Create a Successful Post-Event Survey With These Five Key Tips

5 Tips for Post-Event Survey

A post-event survey is important for measuring your digital event’s impact. Kind of like the saying- if you didn’t take a picture, it didn’t happen. The same for post-event surveys and metrics.

Here are some guidelines to get you started on the right track.
Tip #1: Keep your post-event survey short and to the point  – The ideal number of questions is between 5 to 10. The size of your event, the audience, the technology platform you used, and what areas you want feedback in the most will decide your questions.
Tip #2: Use the active voice – Create nice, clear sentences written in active voice.
Tip #3: Use a combination of open-ended questions, NPS, yes/no, and multiple-choice
NPS or Net Promoter Score should be first on your survey.
Tip #4: Limit your open-ended questions- Questions that ask survey-takers to write in their own responses require more thought and are also much more difficult to analyze.
Tip #5: Send your survey at the right time – 48 hours after the event is the ideal timing as attendees had time to rest, to reflect and the event is still fresh in their minds.

Some of us, especially at the beginning may find the online survey process to be a bit daunting. The following tips will help.

5 Virtual Event Survey Questions for Attendees

In the previous video I shared a few useful tips when creating your post-event survey. Today we will look at applying those ideas to actual questions you could ask your attendees.

1. Overall, how would you rate the event?
Kick start your survey with this essential question to help attendees reflect on the overall value of your event. This can be NPS or Multiple-choice Question

2. Which parts of the event did you enjoy the most?
This question will help you understand what parts of your virtual event were more popular and you could repeat in your future events but also the parts of the event that could do with some work or be dropped altogether.

3. How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend?
This NPS question goes beyond asking attendees whether they enjoyed themselves or not to find out if they’d bring a plus one next time.

4. How did you first hear about the event? 
This multiple-choice question will determine how effective your marketing efforts were and identify where to improve promotions for future events. 

5.Why did you decide to attend the event?
A Multiple choice or Open-ended question – can teach us about attendees’ experience. But it’s equally important to discover what encouraged them to attend in the first place. Was it to learn a new skill, meet like-minded people, or simply try something new?

5 Survey Questions for Sponsors, Exhibitors, Stakeholders

Woman with question mark on blackboard

Your virtual event survey does not end with your attendees. Put together a set of questions for your sponsors, stakeholders, and exhibitors as well. – this will show them that you value their opinion as collaborators. Any questions you ask your current sponsors and exhibitors help not only with return business but also with acquiring new one.

  1. Please rate your thoughts on the event as a whole.
    You will want your Sponsors and Exhibitors to feel appreciated and that their opinion matters. Have them rate your event on a scale of 1-10 or from excellent-to-poor with this NPS question.
  1. Did this event meet your expectations?
    Goals and expectations are different most often than not. Just because you know their goals doesn’t mean their expectations were met. This question can be a simple yes or no. You can include an optional open-ended response box after the question.
  1. Did the event have a positive have on your business goals?
    The Y/N answer can be a quick yet effective indicator of the event’s success from a sponsor,exhibitor and stakeholder’s viewpoint. Allowing them to put the benefits of partnering and supporting you and your event into their own words will help you learn where you can lean in or build on next time. Their answer will also reinforce their overall experience.
  1. How likely are you to tell others about a sponsorship opportunity with us?
    This is where you reframe the “would you bring a friend?” question from the attendee survey for sponsors. This will show whether they enjoyed the experience enough to recommend your and your events to other business associates.

      5. Are you interested in being a stakeholder / sponsor in the future?
This can be a multiple-choice question and if the answer is “yes” then congratulations, you had a great event. This is also great for you to know whose support you can count on for your future events.

These questions are an amazing piece of feedback that will help you improve your next virtual event. It’s time to put all this valuable information to work. And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch!

MootUp was developed to provide advanced options for creating interactive and immersive booths that maximize sponsor and company exposure and engagement. All these capabilities across work in the widest range of devices possible including smartphones, laptops, and tablets without any installations. Let us show you around our platform, book a demo today, and have your event up and running in weeks.

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About MootUp

Founded by 20-year virtual reality veteran, Danny Stefanic, MootUp is a truly immersive virtual event platform. The 3D web technology that powers the platform has evolved over the years to enable 3D environments accessible across any device from laptops, mobile phones and VR headsets.

The MootUp team is a passionate group of developers, technologists, strategists, and account managers who all believe in the power of technology to help solve business challenges and connect communities around the globe.