Virtual Meetings Platform
Shift your physical meetings to a virtual setting with live avatars. Host the Virtual Meetings with your team in a 3D scenario.
With our MootUp 3D meeting software, shift your physical meetings to a virtual setting with live full-body avatars. Rather than simply looking at a 2D version of your meeting attendees, create an immersive experience through an online event that brings life to your online meetings by using this virtual event platform. Key features of MootUp’s virtual meeting software allow you to bring digital meetings into a 3D immersive environment where you can provide your meeting guests with the ability to communicate, use collaboration tools, enable screen sharing and video streaming from keynote speakers, and more. Host Virtual Meetings with your team in a 3D scenario using MootUp.
You’re in good company, Moot is being used by 100’s of organizations
You’re in good company, Moot is being used by 100’s of organizations

Benefits of a virtual meetings platform
“We’re in a hybrid sort of mode at the moment. We were used to using video for all sorts of things. The great benefits are that it’s easy to use. Everyone has cameras and almost everyone is used to video conferencing and doing presentations. So there is basically no learning curve and you’re meeting your audience on common ground.
So now you have to have the capability to support video as part of a platform, but there are a number of innovative ways that you can use video and they should be available to you.” -Danny Stefanic, CEO MootUp, and Hyperspace.
Getting together with your team on a virtual meeting platform allows employees and business associates to connect with one another on an even playing field with minimal effort. A major win for accessibility, participants can join these meetings from any location on the globe, requiring minimal effort. An online gathering in a virtual meeting room allows for efficient and organized communication between participants, particularly when it comes to brainstorming sessions to come up with new ideas.
Additionally, the platform works on all devices and browsers, and has a simplistic, easy to use approach in order to be user-friendly to all. Bosses, employees, partners, friends, consumers and more can all join and collaborate as long as they have a stable internet connection and proper device to join from, from the comfort of their homes.
In addition, virtual meetings eliminate much of the wasted or unproductive time that occurs with in-person meetings, such as that associated with travel time and travel delays. Individuals can join meetings within seconds of receiving a notification. This also allows for those who can’t make it due to travel related issues, personal obligations, or other causes to be able to pop in and out at a time that is convenient for them.
Providing this wide range of accessibility increases audience engagement, level of participation from event guests, and depending on the type of meeting you hold, can also increase ROI and global outreach of your business. With a virtual meeting platform, not only is time saved, but financial costs are reduced significantly as well. This includes the costs of commuting to and from the workplace or special trips to meeting locations as well as costs of event venues, catering, drinks, decoration and more.
MootUp allows for the creation of virtual events in a 3D environment using virtual attendees (avatars). Participants can interact freely with one another, enabling users to move around the meeting space, talk via voice and text messages, share documents and images, and set up presentations and interactive sessions with the help of prebuilt templates.
MootUp integrates many collaboration features, including whiteboards, screen shares, recording and editing of audio and video clips, chat boxes, team building events, private audio zones and group chats, Q&A sessions, publishing content to social media, adding polls and surveys, etc. You can also get real-time feedback and see what attendees think about your presentation in real time during your virtual meeting. MootUp has thought of it all. A forward-thinking, virtual meeting platform like this highly promotes the opportunity for each individual to express themselves without interruption, in a fair and respectful workplace environment just like it’s the real thing.

Instant access to virtual meetings from any device
Host your next event using MootUp’s flexible virtual meeting platform, no matter where you’re located or which device you have access to. Create an online meeting with just a few clicks. Meet virtually anywhere and easily create your own customized meeting experience. Connect via mobile, desktop, laptop, tablet, dial-in by phone, or immersive VR and AR. Quickly find topics to discuss, add comments and questions, see who’s participating, and easily navigate through your agenda.
- Google Cardboard
- Google Daydream
- Samsung Gear VR
- Oculus Go/Quest/Rift
- Valve Index
- HTC Vive/Focus
- Microsoft Mixed Reality/Hololens
- Nreal
- Pico
- View/Lenovo Mirage Solo
- Magic Leap One and Two
Sharing and clicking a link provides access to our 3D virtual events platform and your virtual meeting. It only takes seconds. And our platform is supported by all browsers and devices.
How often have you wanted to join in on something, or utilize an application, only to find there were a handful of different steps in the process? Those steps also often include downloading or installing programs, software, or applications. This can be a huge turnoff to a large number of individuals and is unproductive when it comes to company outreach. Most of the time, this is where you increase your bounce rate and would further then decrease the amount of event attendees and participants. A platform this simple allows for an easy, fun, and immersive experience for all. No downloads, no hassle. Remove barriers to entry and assure that your virtual meeting or event has an incredible turnout with no limitations or hassles getting in the way.
Our virtual meetings platform requires:
- No apps
- No IT approval
- No downloads
- No installation
The convenience and productivity offered by virtual meetings and the hybrid work model are unmatched. In a hybrid event model, your physical event becomes a partially virtual event by allowing guests to join in, observe, and participate with the event as if they were actually there. Through MootUp’s digital platform, your guests can join along whichever way feels best or works with their schedule.
Turn to MootUp for all of your video conferencing solutions. To learn more about all of the benefits of our 3D meeting software platform, book a demo.