Webex in VR
Enter the Webex meeting URL
eg. https://COMPANY.webex.com/COMPANY/j.php?MTID=meeting_id
Note: Free Webex accounts are not supported on Oculus Quest & Go
Collaborating online has never been this engaging. Jump into a immersive meeting instantly. Conference call with audio, video and text chat. Pin documents, share images, video and 3D. Decorate your meeting space together. Customize your avatar to your own personal style.
Don’t have Webex? Try a Moot Room instead…

WebVR Makes it Easy to Connect With Users On Every Platform
Join on mobile, tablet, laptop/desktop or VR/AR.
iPhone Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, View/Lenovo Mirage Solo, Oculus Go/Quest/Rift, HTC Vive/Focus, Microsoft Mixed Reality/Hololens, Magic Leap One