What Is a 3D Virtual Event Platform?

A 3D virtual event platform is a software solution for organizing events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. MootUp is the leading 3D virtual event platform due to our truly immersive and evolved nature. Our platform is powered by 3D web technology that enables 3D environments and makes them accessible on any device. MootUp virtual event platform is a completely web-based solution for all organizations, and allows event planners and HR teams to easily host virtual and hybrid events in the Metaverse.

Virtual events are not burdened by many of the common logistical overhead requirements and expenses associated with in-person gatherings. At MootUp, we offer an all-in-one 3D platform to host engaging and productive virtual events for your business. Our web-based, no-code, truly immersive 3D events platform was designed to make your event experience more engaging and memorable for all participants.

From Zoom Meeting presentations and virtual breakout rooms to 3D conferences and virtual exhibitions, planning events in the Metaverse has become an engaging option for global reach and memorable experiences. A 3D Virtual Events Platform allows people to create their own experiences within a virtual space, interact with other attendees, and have share experiences with other participants, building meaningful relationships. Attendees will be engaged right from the start and all they need to do to access is click a web link..


Benefits of Moving From 2D to 3D Virtual Event Platforms

The progression from 2D to 3D virtual event technology allows for greater immersiveness and user involvement, as event promoters and organizers take participants beyond 2D virtual events made possible by 2D meeting platforms like Zoom and other tools. While participants can still interact with a video avatar or view a zoom presentation, 3D virtual events platforms allow all attendees to transcend the limitations of 2D interactions, with custom full-body avatars, unique Metaverse event spaces and more.

Metaverse event

Though there are only a few 3D virtual event platforms on the market, most of them only offer simulations of surroundings and activities which include avatars and stock characters, participants can only observe in 2D and can’t actually interact with. Even fewer offer the level of customizability provided by MootUp, such as deeply immersive environments that include 3D structural components and versatile mobility within the virtual space. At Mootup, we are passionate about building a custom environment for attendees to enjoy and have over 50 out of the box templates for event planners to make their own, for any event they can imagine. Not all 3D platforms offer accessibility and functionality the way MootUp does, because we are web based versus app based, meaning anyone can join through their web browser at any time, from anywhere, with any device, and no downloads necessary.

Accessible on any device means that, with MootUp for example, any space or virtual world for any event is easily accessible for all attendees on computers, tablets, and smartphones and VR and AR. With no downloads required, event planners can reach a wider audience and provide custom virtual event experiences for all attendees.

The event environments, including lobbies, auditoriums, 3D booth setups and more can be completely customized by event planners to provide an experience that puts traditional events in the rear view mirror! Event management and attendee management are all made easier too, due to the hassle-free nature of a single 3D events platform that is accessible through a single link click, meaning we are browser based and require no downloads.

How Does a 3D Virtual Event Platform Work?

A 3D virtual event platform works like any other website, for example, instead of having users visit a physical location, they can join and be a part of an event through their web browser from anywhere in the world. Our advanced 3D web technology allows for real-time interaction between attendees and speakers, and also provides live streaming video and audio feeds.

MootUp allows for the conversion of physical settings and activities into an engaging, informative, and entertaining experience for all participants. The MootUp platform includes productive networking features that allow for increased social interaction between attendees and immersed engagement. Users may actively participate and explore the environments using 3D avatars they can fully personalize, no matter where they happen to be at home, work, or anywhere else.

The lifelike nature of the 3D virtual event platform is made possible in part through the integration of 3D animated avatars that serve as a virtual representation of the user, incorporating a life-like aspect into the virtual environment. In general, 3D platforms also allow for interaction between participants with real time voice, video, and text conversations, much like a physical event may allow, but with MootUp, the possibilities for networking and collaboration are endless.

A 3D virtual platform for hosting events can be transformed into a private space for collaboration, networking, and building important connections with others throughout the world. Physical boundaries are a thing of the past as businesses can host high-value industry specialists at virtual gatherings and events. Creating events in the Metaverse allows for unique event solutions and memorable user experiences, no matter how you imagine it, we can help you build it.

How Can Mixed Reality Virtual Events Evolve Your Business?

Through flexibility and scalability, 3D Virtual events in Mixed Reality allow for increased amounts of attendees to participate safely from home, while still being present in the event space. With MootUp, attendees can customize their own avatars with virtually unlimited options, and event planners can design from more than 50 different stages, expos, breakouts and lounges, or bring their own 3D models to brand, decorate, or white-label.

Step your events up by reaching 10,000+ participants across any internet enabled device. 3D virtual events platform offers the opportunity for event planners to achieve larger scale events, and allow for enhanced interaction and immersion for attendees. MootUp has comprehensive features and interactive tools like laser pointers, mobile magic windows, screen sharing, and more, so you’ll never have bored attendees at an event again.

3D Virtual Events will give your business a higher ROI than in-person events. Tap into a larger audience and become more accessiblee to attendees around the globe. MootUp offers the opportunity to convert more attendees into customers and brand fans, create more views for sponsors, develop a larger pool of data for event organizers, and increase action directly resulting from a virtual, immersive event through our expansive set of features, that enable events of all types, such as immersive product launches, custom branding and more.

Metaverse 3D virtual events are becoming increasingly popular for businesses looking to engage customers and prospects through immersive experiences. Our technology allows attendees to experience the event as if they were truly present and engage with others in meaningful ways.

MootUp’s 3D virtual event platform services can accommodate a wide range of event types, including those that require a full-on virtual reality experience. Whether you need virtual web conferencing, video on demand, custom landscapes, virtual exhibition, 3D models, and much more, we have you covered no matter the audience size or type of event. Wow attendees by turning your next event into a fully virtual, 3D, immerisve experience.

For information about our 3D virtual event platform soultions and the event services we offer at MootUp, call us today at 347.535.0844, email [email protected], or book a demo.