Published by Danny Stefanic CEO MootUp
Digital and Social norms have drastically changed over the last 6 weeks (give or take a few weeks for some) due to the lockdown restriction that have been imposed to protect us.
These changes have either been a breath of fresh air or a completely new concept for some (a lifestyle change). We are creatures of habit and for many people your routine has been hit for a 6. (Let’s be honest, Change is not an easily acceptable term for many people) Don’t let this lockdown be a literal representation of your life. Embrace this lockdown and all the Easter Eggs it presents you.
I have read so many different articles on how organizations, individuals, self employed, students (the list goes on) should prepare effective ways to help them cope during this lockdown. So I decided that I needed to get something out based on my own experience (i’ve been remote working for 20+ years) plus some added extra advice from a few experts to help all those “newbie” remote workers adjust to the Global New Norm.

Let’s get started:
- Stick to your normal routine as much as possible!!!
Stick to your normal morning routine, wake up at the same time, shower, get dressed, but also remember you don’t need to rush to leave the house at 7am to avoid the morning rush so use this time wisely. Once you are ready, get the kids ready (if they are still small) enjoy a good breakfast together as a family, have a cup of tea or coffee (or don’t) take the kids to school if they are still attending.
- Use your “Commute” time to plan the day ahead.
The time you would have spent in the car, on a bus or on a train, use this time to plan your day. Schedule your calls, how much time you will spend on a certain project, catch up on your unread emails, schedule in some homeschooling activities (If necessary) and most importantly make time to have lunch and have a 5 minute breather every so often, get up, move your legs, stretch your body.
- The kids are home too….
For some of us with children whose schools have been shut, balance is key. There are great online educational tools to assist you in your home schooling. Don’t put added stress on yourself (you are not a teacher) Just do your best to take some time in your day to teach them something cool, show them how to write an email, do some basic coding, teach them to cook, and remember to get your body moving (a fun one for the adults too “Wink Wink”). This too shall pass, enjoy the time with them.
- Have you got what you need?
In order to work from home you need to ensure that you have the correct technology to keep you covered. Have you got your laptop, your charger, a mouse and a keyboard (if you use these). You will need to keep up to date with your work colleagues, there are a few software applications you can use, I use Mootup.com, it is a great way to keep up with communications in a VR environment, all you need is a decent WIFI Connection.

- Do what you can!
By now, if you haven’t already had a conversation with your boss about their expectations, then I suggest you book a call in. Discuss your priorities, how will you manage team projects, what will be your main source of communication? Communication will be key!
- Look after yourself, mind and body.
You cannot work if you are not feeling well, so make sure you are eating healthy and getting enough fluids every day. Home exercise will be your new best friend, if you have not started, it’s not too late. If you can go outside then do yourself a favour and get some sunshine and fresh air.
- Use Virtual Events
This point should actually be NO.1 but they are all equally important to me. So many organisations have taken on some form of Virtual Event, if you have not yet attended one or hosted one…. “HELLO, where have you been?” But seriously, don’t let the technology scare you when it comes to virtual events or meetings, this is not scary stuff. Have a look at my previous article on Don’t Cancel Your Event, Take Your First Step Into the New Norm

- Avoid triggers that would disrupt your day
Working from home is both a blessing and a downfall. Many enjoy getting out of the house as a change of scenery, but unfortunately at this point it is not going to happen. Here are ways you can overcome these triggers!
- Talking to yourself is “ok”, answering yourself….Well! You know the saying!
Going from the social butterfly to an isolated caterpillar. Working from home is a breeze for some, while others may struggle, I found a great article to help those who are struggling to not lose their minds!
- “Level up” your knowledge of Remote Working
Linkedin is offering an online course “Remote Work Foundations” Learn how to create a productive work environment at home or around town by structuring your day correctly and avoiding distractions
- Miss the Office Environment? Create a Virtual one
Since I have been remote working I can create any office environment I want, Virtually! I have had meetings in an office, on the beach, on a rooftop, and even in space! Mootup.com was created to assist organisations to leverage Virtual Training, through the past few weeks, my focus has been on Cancelled events and Remote working, which seems to be a big focal point at this moment.

- Turn OFF!
Here is a myth about remote working: “Remote workers are available all times of day” Simple answer, NO you are not available all times of the day (Unless it’s for something super important that cannot wait, then ok, I will give you that one). Work-life separation is still very possible, even if your office is inside your house!
- Make the most of it!
Just because you are stuck at home now does not mean you can’t have fun! If going to the pub was your thing, create a Virtual One, have a team luncheon in a virtual breakaway room. If arts and culture is your thing, join in on all the virtual events that’s happening around the world.
Need help implementing Virtual Events in your company? Just visit mootup.com & we can help you decide how to get started.